Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Lead UX Designer, two UX Designers
Product & Team Information
Product: Internal UX Product. Team: two UX designers, external dev team. Tools: Sketch, InVision, Team Flow: Waterfall
This project was a waterfall production style, with an internal UX cycle. If you would like to learn more about the UX cycle, please refer to this article.
Lead UX Designer, two UX Designers
Product & Team Information
Product: Internal UX Product. Team: two UX designers, external dev team. Tools: Sketch, InVision, Team Flow: Waterfall
This project was a waterfall production style, with an internal UX cycle. If you would like to learn more about the UX cycle, please refer to this article.

A senior UX lead and I created this app from start to finish. We were in a constant testing and design cycle. Our cycle included going to stores nationwide to observe and interview store employees. Then we would design quick mock-ups to show to the business side. When we got approval, we created high-fidelity mockups and prototypes that we would go to stores and test. We would collect the information and make changes depending on what we saw worked and what did not. Some feedback included haptic feedback design and the size and sensitivity of the buttons.
The entirety of the product was designed through the entire customer experience process. Starting from; the appointment online, then the employee scanning in their information, collecting their tire information at the 'visit the vehicle' stage, the data transferring from the mobile device seamlessly to a desktop, writing and sending out tickets and updates to and from the front desk to the garage, an estimation email and text being sent out, and an emailed receipt being sent to the customer at the end of their appointment.
The entirety of the product was designed through the entire customer experience process. Starting from; the appointment online, then the employee scanning in their information, collecting their tire information at the 'visit the vehicle' stage, the data transferring from the mobile device seamlessly to a desktop, writing and sending out tickets and updates to and from the front desk to the garage, an estimation email and text being sent out, and an emailed receipt being sent to the customer at the end of their appointment.
After the product had been thoroughly tested, approved by upper management, and was up to my and my co-worker's high UX expectations, we sent the mock-ups to the development team. We worked side by side with them to make the application come to life.
More Information about this product:

"This product is the first of its kind in the auto industry, and I am very proud to be a part of making something so innovative and unique. " - Mary

It seems like a far-fetched idea to have a tire store with some of the most up-to-date tech utilized. When I mention that I worked on the product team at Discount Tire, many people are still confused. But the truth of the matter is that Discount Tire has more up-to-date technology in their stores than some of the big-name stores like Target and Walmart. While working at Discount Tire, I was fortunate enough to work on industry-leading mobile tech with zebra devices, AR tech to let customers try tires at home before they bought them, Google Home devices, AI chatbots, and in-store kiosks.

This We thought through every issue the user might have. Weather issues, sun rain, snow.... oil and grease on fingers... what the customer might want more information on, what the store employee might want to know more about to find the vehicle, or to properly service the vehicle... people with big fingers, people with small fingers....every obstacle imaginable we had a solution for.
We did this by making research as important as usability design in our process. We spent countless hours sitting in stores watching the employees, following them like a shadow through their process from start to finish. Visiting stores around the country to figure out each demographics unique needs.
In the end, we created a product that everyone in the auto industry is trying to get ahold of.

Sketches and Thoughts